Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Well, a lot has been going on since we've installed our solar :). Our first full month's bill was $3.20 or so. Nice!! Then we moved into November and December, yeah, those months were pretty high, but they were cold months without much sunlight! Brrrr. This month and the following months should be a little better!

I flew down to FL at the end of October and early November to go to one of my niece's 6th birthday party (it's my first birthday that I was able to attend for her, I was able to be there for her older sis' 1st birthday). It was much needed time with family and I loved every minute of it (except for the minutes going to bed. I missed my hubby so I wouldn't go to bed until well after midnight. Which is saying something since I usually go to bed by 9pm).

My niece, Cera, and me

Thanksgiving was great! My parents drove up to spend the cold week with us. We did a lot of shopping! Their car was packed to the max when they left. I did offer to switch with them. I was getting use to driving their car with the backup camera!

We went to FL for Christmas, which was soooo nice to be somewhere warm! We visited hubby's parents first and then saw my family. We also took some family pictures while we were there. It was such a great time. My twin sis and I also celebrated our 30th birthday on New Year's Eve. It was a great party!

The whole fam!

Sisters :) (My oldest sis, me, twin sis, and youngest sis)

Touch the belly! Youngest sis is having a boy :)

With our beautiful mom

The girls!

The guys! (my hubby in red)

Speaking of 30th birthday.....my husband took me to Hawaii for my 30th! ahhhh! It was AH-MAZING. We got back from FL on Jan. 2nd, and then left for Hawaii on the 7th. We decided to visit the Big Island since I have only been there for a day trip. We swam with manta rays, took a helicopter ride, and did a snorkel/whale watching tour. We did see a few whales, but they were quick to dive under. We did get to see two octopi (sp?) when we were snorkeling!! It was amazing! We are always wanting to see an octopus while snorkeling, and we saw 2!!! So cool. You can check out our website: www.ididthings.com for all the vacation summary for each day. My husband works hard on it and the music is also his own creation. Can you tell I'm proud??

Manta rays come up REALLY close

We were up front!


an octopus!!

So, now we're back into the full swing of things. I'm still subbing and am enjoying every minute of it. My hubby is doing well at work. Life is good :)

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